Gwen Jimmere Gwen Jimmere

5 Passive Income Streams You Can Start Today

Have you ever dreamed of making money while you sleep? For business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs, finding ways to generate passive income is essential. It not only provides financial stability, but it can also free up valuable time to focus on growing your business in new ways. And let’s be honest: who doesn’t love making money without lifting a finger? Sign me up for that!

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Gwen Jimmere Gwen Jimmere

What To Do If You’re Behind on Saving For Retirement

So you looked up and 10, 20 or 30 years have flown by. Weren’t you, like, 22 just 5 years ago? Somehow your 30s, 40s or 50s have crept up on you and you have no idea how the years got here so fast.

You might be finding yourself in a spot where retirement seems like it's just around the corner, but your savings account is looking more like a desert than a lush oasis. Don't sweat it; you're not alone. Life throws curveballs, and sometimes, saving for retirement takes a back seat to more immediate needs. But there's still plenty you can do to turn things around and secure your golden years. Let's dive in!

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Gwen Jimmere Gwen Jimmere

Never Charge An Hourly Rate

Imagine this: You're a master at what you do. You've put in the blood, sweat, and tears to hone your craft. Your expertise isn't just a result of the hours you've clocked in—it's the culmination of years of experience, learning from mistakes, and constantly evolving. Now, why should you limit your worth to a mere hourly rate?

Here's the deal: When you charge solely for your time, you're essentially putting a cap on your earning potential.

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Gwen Jimmere Gwen Jimmere

How to Get Out of Debt Fast

Credit card debt: It's like that irritating guest who overstays their welcome at the party of your life. But fear not, because I'm here to share some real-talk strategies on how to kick that credit card debt to the curb, pronto!

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Gwen Jimmere Gwen Jimmere

What the Bible Says About How To Manage Your Money

Today, I’m diving into some ancient wisdom that's surprisingly relevant when it comes to managing your money in the modern world. Yep, you guessed it—I’m taking a look at what the Bible has to say about handling your cash flow.

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Gwen Jimmere Gwen Jimmere

3 Industries That Can Make You a Millionaire in Just 1 Year

Today, we're diving into a topic that's hotter than your morning coffee: 3 business industries that have the potential to turn you into a millionaire in just one year. Now, I know what you're thinking – "Can it really happen that fast?" The answer is yes, but only with the right strategy, hustle, and your own magic touch.

Hint: #3 is my favorite one, and the one you can start with the least amount of money up-front.

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Gwen Jimmere Gwen Jimmere

Why You Should Never Start a Small Business with Debt

I know this is a controversial topic. And people love to promote using OPM or Other People’s Money. All that sounds well and good until you have to start paying it back when you haven’t even made a dime of profit.

Now, I get it. When you're fired up about a business idea, it's tempting to think any money is good money. But let's cut through the noise and get straight to the heart of it. Starting a business with debt can be a terrible idea, and here's why:

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Gwen Jimmere Gwen Jimmere

The Ultimate Hype Playlist for Money Getters

Today, I'm diving into a topic that's a little different but oh-so-crucial for us on this entrepreneurial journey. Music. Not just any music, though. We're talking about the kind of beats that get your heart racing, your spirit lifted, and your motivation skyrocketing.

Yes, I'm talking about hip hop—the soundtrack to hustle, grind, and triumph. So, let's cut straight to the chase and dive into the best hip hop songs to get us entrepreneurs hype and ready to take on the day.

And don’t worry about downloading all these one-by-one or starting a playlist from scratch. I’ve already done it for you

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Gwen Jimmere Gwen Jimmere

7 Places to Get Free Money - Up to $50,000

Today, we're diving into a topic that can truly transform your business journey: grants. Yes, you heard it right—free money to kickstart or scale up your venture. Imagine the possibilities! I've rounded up seven business grants that could be your ticket to turning your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

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Gwen Jimmere Gwen Jimmere

What to do When Your Operating Costs Start Eating Up Your Money

Alright, let's dive into something we all grapple with in our entrepreneurial journey—those pesky high operational costs that seem to have a bigger appetite for our profit margins than we'd like. Managing these costs isn't just about cutting corners; it's about being smart, strategic, and sometimes, a bit creative.

Here are five ways you can keep those costs in check without compromising the quality of your products or services. Because, let's face it, we're all about delivering excellence without breaking the bank.

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Gwen Jimmere Gwen Jimmere

5 Unconventional Wealth Strategies for Entrepreneurs

Alright, let's switch gears and dive into something a little different - the unconventional paths to wealth. Because, as entrepreneurs, we're not just about following the crowd; we're about paving our own way, right? Today, I'm laying out the 5 unconventional ways to get rich from a personal finance standpoint, tailored just for us - the trailblazers, the dreamers, the doers.

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Gwen Jimmere Gwen Jimmere

How to Develop a Unique Selling Proposition That Stands Out

Let's dive into something crucial today: developing a strong, unique selling proposition (USP). This isn't just about what you sell; it's the heartbeat of your business, the reason people wake up and decide they need you in their lives. It's your superhero power in the crowded marketplace. So, how do you refine this power into something so irresistible that your customers can't help but choose you?

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Gwen Jimmere Gwen Jimmere

LinkedIn Money: How I Made $100K From LinkedIn

You may think you don’t need a LinkedIn profile, or to update your current one, after you’re no longer working at your 9-5.

But when I tell you that I’ve made over $100,000 just from LinkedIn alone, believe me when I tell you, you need to be on LinkedIn!

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Gwen Jimmere Gwen Jimmere

10 Hacks for Finding More Time In Your Day

Time is money. The more time we have, the more money we tend to make.

Ever notice how the very wealthy rarely seem stressed or like they're constantly running out of time? That's because they've mastered managing their time, thus helping them get to the biggest bags. 💰💰

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Gwen Jimmere Gwen Jimmere

How to Find A Niche that Makes Big Money

If you’re struggling to figure out exactly what niche you should focus on in your business, I got you. A niche is defined as a specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service. Basically, your niche is that magical sweet spot where your passion meets profitability. Here’s how to find yours.

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